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Student Expectations
and Responsibilities

Students in the Winnacunnet Evening High School are expected to show their appreciation and respect for the opportunity to attend an evening program in order to receive credits. These may be credits needed for graduation from the day program, for graduation from the evening program, for acceptance into a college program, or to earn a HiSET certificate. No matter why students enroll in the evening program, EACH student is expected to know and abide by the following expectations and responsibilities.


  • ​​Use ONLY the entrance by the dining hall to enter and exit the building. Do NOT wander through the hallways or in other parts of the building.


  • Vehicles driven by evening students should be parked in the upper Auditorium student parking lot. Students must register their vehicle (make and license plate number) in the office.


  • NO one is allowed in the cafeteria after 5:20 PM.


  • Health form must be completed and on file for Evening High School staff to have access to it.


  • Use ONLY designated bathrooms and vending machines.


  • Use school computers for class work only. NO food or drinks are to be anywhere near the computers. You will lose the privilege of use of computers and be placed on probation for failing to abide by this rule. Absolutely- no games (automatic probation)


  • Google accounts will be provided to all students.


  • All litter is to be picked up and disposed of properly. Please keep the school grounds, hallways, and classrooms clean. This is a sign of respect for all of those who use the building during the day as well as considerate behavior to the evening custodians. Classrooms should be left better than they were found.


  • Dress Code: Offensive, suggestive, or drug and alcohol promotional t-shirts are NOT allowed. Clothing should be appropriate (COVER and CONTAIN) for all students.


  • Cell phones are to be SILENCED during all classes. Cell phones should be displayed on desktop during class. Do not check messages or text during any class. Unauthorized use of cell phone may result in disenrollment.


  • Swearing / inappropriate language has NO PLACE in the Evening High School. The use of appropriate language is expected while on break, while entering and leaving the building and while in class. Please be mature and respectful of members of the evening community and remember that several other groups also use the building during the evening.


  • Repeated discipline problems will result in disenrollment. 


  • Winnacunnet High School is a drug-free zone. This includes tobacco. If a student is caught breaking this law, the result may be dismissal from the program.  Students suspected of being under the influence can be disenrolled.


  • ATTENDANCE is mandatory. Any absences must be made up on the following Monday evening. See Attendance Policy Agreement Form.


  • A student may NOT leave early without permission granted by the evening supervisor. Students will be placed on probation for the rest of the quarter.


  • A student with three tardies will be placed on probation from the remainder of the class term.


  • ​A student arriving after 5:20 PM is considered tardy and must sign in with the evening supervisor (sign in sheet). This also pertains to break time. A reminder that break is 15 minutes.​


  • Completion of Work and Participation:  Each student makes a commitment to complete work and participate in classes. The formula is quite easy: attend on time and do the work to the best of your ability to receive credit.


  • Please remember that not doing assignments and not attending make up sessions can result in dismissal from the program since it is a clear sign that you are NOT serious about taking the class.


In case of emergency, a student must call the evening school office:

 (603) 758-9231 or (603) 758-9233.

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One Alumni Drive

Hampton, NH  03842


(603) 758-9231

© 2022 Winnacunnet High School Evening Program

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